Delhi Metro Porn MMS CCTV Camera Footage – We have seen a shocking disclosure, in Delhi Metro train CCTV cameras has caught a couples intimate movements. Couples video has been recorded in intimate acts during late-night trips. The things is not stopped only here, the porn MMS have been uploaded on YouTube and other pornographic sites.
We are shocked more, I think porn sites became a viral for people. As per the report daily near about 13-18 porn video uploaded on porn sites and near about 1.6 to 2.00 lakhs people visit them on daily basis.
The CCTV camera footage recorded in security cameras in Metro stations and cameras. That videos are accessed by Delhimetro railway Corporation and CISF personnel.
Mr. Rajiv general director of CISF said we are monitoring agency. How the video is leaked. Delhi police has been registered this case under IT act incident. DMRC officials and CISF personnel is blame Each other. Dear people the decision is pending till.
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