Saturday, 8 March 2014

Tamilnadu Teachers Education University bed exam results 2015| tnteu exam results 2015 | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University results | 2015| Tamilnadu Teachers Education University bed results 2015

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Tamil Nadu is the seat of Higher Education in India, which offers a number of general as well as professional courses. It also pays attention to the spreading of elementary, secondary and higher education and training of the teachers involved in these programs. There is naturally a demand for teacher educators in this state who can hold the reign of the teacher training institutes located across the region.
The Government of Tamil Nadu enacted Act No.(33) of 2008 to provide for the establishment and incorporation of Teachers Education University in the State of Tamil Nadu for promoting excellence in teachers education. Further the Act came into effect from 1.7.2008 by a Gazette Notification issued in G.O.M.S.256,Higher Education (K2) Department, dated 25.6.2008.
Dr.T.Padmanabhan, Dean, Department of Education, Annamalai University was appointed as the first Vice-Chancellor of this new University. Dr.A.R.Veermani, Professor and Head, Department of Economics and Officiating Registrar, Thiruvalluvar University was appointed as the first Registrar of this University. Dr. M. Jayakumar was appointed as the first Controller of Examinations of this new University.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 07:16

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